
Examination FAQs

Mock Exam/Generic tests

Yes, the mock exam/generic tests will be made available to candidates to familiarize themselves with the Speedwell interface up to 12:00 the day before their first examination paper is due to commence, whereby their username and password will be reset.

Tthe mock exam will not be marked for candidate feedback, candidates will be provided with the model answers to the mock exam for their own marking of their responses.

Please refer to the Candidates Training for Speedwell document on the website Home page under Candidate Preparation for Online Examinations for all instructions and features available in Speedwell as well as the video tutorial.

Images used within an examination should be of a high resolution, however, the zoom function will cause the image to become distorted as you maximize the zooming in. Images in the generic tests are not high-resolution images used.

General examination queries

Time and format will be emailed to candidates for each week of exams

Candidates can login to their profile to obtain their candidate number. Candidates will receive their cards at the examination venue.

The proposed oral dates will be from 5 April – 31 May 2021

IT equipment required for the examinations will be provided by the CMSA.

Yes, we have an IT person to all CMSA venues and we have IT backup connected remotely

Exams are being monitored in real time by IT should somebody exit accidently or lose internet connection they can be let back into the exam by IT.

The system keeps a running record of questions answered (should load shedding occur) and the candidate will return to the exam where the candidate left off.

A notice informing candidates to report to their examination venue 1 hour before the start of the examination will be sent to candidates

Candidates wishing to eat or drink at any time must bring their own refreshments and go outside the building to do so.

A notice was sent to all candidates informing them that they should bring their own stationary

They will not be allowed to write, especially if it's a multi-session examination (same exam running in consecutive sessions).

he CMSA has taken great care to ensure the protection of candidates. All candidates will be given a FFP2 mask on arrival at the examinations centre. Strict social distancing rules of 1.5m between candidates must be maintained and the mask may not be removed while on the premises.

As per our screening form, we cannot admit candidates to the venue who have answered Yes to more than three of the listed COVID-19 Symptoms, or where the examination date falls within the 10 day period following a positive COVID-19 test or the onset of COVID-19 symptoms.

Further information regarding the policy can be found in the CMSA Covid-19 policy